Creative Writing "Cities"

Like a million eyes watching, waiting in the night - silent and hazy at a distance but up close, so alive. A life within life, an entity all its own, the city breathes and the city lives. Its heartbeat is the footsteps, the frazzled array of sounds that twist and float and form a single voice and the voice calls more in, and the heartbeat traps them there forever because everyone knows that once you dwell within those limits a piece of you always remains, like a fingerprint of your soul that shapes and makes the city what it is.

You can try to leave; you can change your name and your face and try to forget those dark days of wandering dirty streets, of listening to those bold sounds and seeing those buildings glimmering like ice on every corner. But even if you forget, even if you manage to tuck those thoughts away, the city will remember. The city never forgets, and despite its sharp edges the city waits for you. If one day you find yourself walking those streets again, struck by feelings of nostalgia you never knew you held, the city will welcome you back with its heartbeat to lull you to sleep as its million eyes come alive in the night.