Creative Writing "Your logic is flawed."

Do we stick with people that we are similar to, or those who we clash against? That question seems to have an obvious answer, in that we stay by people who share similarities. We crave the familiar. What about those who we love?

Do we fall in love with someone because of how alike they are to ourselves? Because, god damn, that is one of the most narcissistic things we could do as an already egotistical species. I have fallen in love with similarities. And they have failed. And now I find myself falling for someone who is so different from me that we never stop talking, sharing our perspectives, bouncing ideas off of one another. Of course we agree on many things, but what strikes me the most is how different the paths are that our minds take. The way we arrive at solutions and conclusions, the routes are distinct and unreasonably divergent from one another. Yet, here we find ourselves. Always more and more intrigued and entranced by one another.

We can sit here and pretend as if we haven't been in love before, been taken with others. We can pretend this is a new feeling, or we can bare all and realize that it's okay to have loved before, and better now that we have found each other as we are today.

When a warm front clashes with the cold, we get storms. We get a hurricane. Hurricanes destroy everything in their paths with every means necessary: flooding, ripping winds, piercing debris... And we are reminded of why these forces of destruction are named after people.

We may yet be tropical storms looming on the horizon, but it is far too soon to tell. Do we prepare for the worst and hope for the best? Or better yet, prepare for the best and hope for the worst, as we have already been conditioned to do? What preparations are to be made?

You don't trust me, and assuredly I don't trust you just the same. Yet I can't help but laugh at our schools of thought juxtaposed against one another: you trust no one yet strive to see the good in everyone. I can't help but see the bad, twisted parts in everyone yet end up trusting them all anyway. Who is worse off here?

I have endless questions for you, and the innate knowledge that I don't even want to ask them. I am enamored with our time together, our limitless conversations and shared silences. It's easy but yet always interesting. We arrive at the same destination using different pathways, and I want to know what you experienced on your own travels. We are unfamiliar entities in one universe, but yet here we are despite all unlikelihood.

I know I will fall in love with you. I know I will be cautious and slow, I will build a foundation as I never allowed myself to before. I will care for you and think of you in every action I take regarding this budding relationship, and I know you are just as wary as I am. We are both skittish but allow ourselves to be the least bit hopeful anyway. You want to be logical, as do I, but we both know we can't. It's going to be joint stupidity. And I'm already smiling at the idea.