Poetry "For Lack of Something Better"

Spinning, twirling, acrobatic

and that's not how it goes

tripping, tilting, systematic

quick erratic shows

falling, failing, faintly flailing

a little high and lots of low

wishing, wanting, forever daunting

ready, here we go!

It's not right, something's amiss

seal it with a single kiss

of death, of life, of steel resolve

of wrongs forgotten, sins absolved

and still suspicion looms so near

is that a break in flow I hear?

The rhythm's off its steady beat

it's different from its last retreat

this construction is lost again

this rhyme seems an awful strain

this line's too short

and this one is far, far too extensive

and is this one needed?

is this tone a little pensive?

But pensive, poems are

they're thinking, thoughtful things

like shoes and ships and sealing wax

like cabbages and kings!

Oh, I'm sure those lines are copy-written

and I've no intention to offend

dear, departed Lewis Carroll

which from whom those lines were penned

and was that last line proper?

I'm sure that's not the case

chalk it up to poetic license

as they're rather fitting in their place

and I know that you are thinking

this poem's gone on rather long

and I'm sure that your observations

are far from being wrong

but, with which to end this ranting ramble,

I can't find a fitting line --

oh, wait I think I've got it.

Yes, this one will do just fine!